Child Beauty Pageants: Causing Multiple Effect

“The work of childhood is play. Play teaches children how to learn. A play is fun, not competitive. Children compelled to dress like little adult models, strut on a catwalk like models and smile at an adoring group of mothers, all hell-bent on seeing to it that their child ‘wins’ is the antithesis of play. Let children be children. Put the parents on the catwalk if they want to compete and see how they feel about it at the end of the day.” Irish psychologist, David Carey. There have been many worst incidents caused by child beauty pageants, and people began to demand that child beauty pageants must be banned. Apart from the criticism that the pageants was created to provide an outlet for the narcissistic ambitions of parents through their children, the contest industry flourished. The beauty pageants have proven to be unsafe for using children as participants because there are dark stories in the past that killed a 6-years-old girl. The pageants also have many effects on children, and the contrast differences between children who participate in child beauty pageants and those who do not participate, make us concerned.

There are dark stories in the past that killed a 6-years-old girl. People began to criticize the existence of child beauty pageants since the murder case of JonBenét Ramsey in 1996. She was a child beauty queen who had participated in several beauty pageants who brutally murdered. They hope that there will be no incident like this anymore in the future. Talking about the history of child beauty pageants, in 1921, the owner of Atlanta City hotel held the first child beauty pageants called “Most Beautiful Kids” to help boost tourism. Seeing a good response, America began making child beauty pageants program called “Little Miss America” in the 1960s at Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey. As a result of many interests who want to join the pageants, they prompted an age division whereas in the past only 13-17 years old were allowed to participate, and the following year even below can participate. It is an increasingly profitable market, bringing in about twenty billion dollars a year to the Americas with its popularity expanding worldwide. Child beauty pageants activities are still running and to become an event held throughout the world because of hereditary from seniors who had won on the previous pageants.

The child beauty pageant has psychological, sociological, and behavioral effects on children. One of the psychological effects of the pageants is a lot of pressure felt by children caused by the desire of parents who wants their children become beautiful according to the standards set by parents and the pageants, not to mention that the child will feel depressed when they’re losing several times. The effect of which can be disastrous on the child’s body and mind. Another effect caused by child beauty pageants is initiating sociological problems; children likely to act snobbish and superior with other kids of their age group. It can also provoke children to harbor hatred as well as jealousy. Apart from the psychological and sociological effect, child beauty pageants also cause the behavioral effect.  They can imitate the habits of adults and act up for their age. Strengthened by statement according to Dr. Bryan Bruno, Medical Director at Mid City TMS, Habits and behaviors are defined by what we do and how we react to the world around us but how did those habits form in the first place? It turns out our that environment heavily influences our behavior. Therefore, parental intervention for children is significant. It would be better if it is filled with positive and educational things.
The family economy gets disrupted because of the pageants. Parents unconsciously choose to be trapped in their ego, and they forget that their children also need happiness and freedom to express themselves. Ego trap often dwells in the past. It can take many forms, like obsessing over past hurts, thinking of something that had not achieved back then, and reminiscing over “the good old days.” These experiences leave their mark upon them. It's a definite ego boost for many parents when they feel happy to see their children admired and adulted. It is a way for reliving the past through their children. Correspondingly, they will be forced to wear pricey inappropriate clothing for children such as swimming clothes, evening gowns, and other clothes that are meant to be worn by adults only. Besides clothes, they also prepared expensive makeup. Their hair must be styled as well as coloured; their teeth are bleached; and they have to pay the high fees for entering the pageant. Parents spend money only on competitions that do not educate their children, and even the funds can be used far more useful than this pageants. With such expensive costs, the family economy can be disrupted. Therefore, parents are expected to know their abilities. They do not need to force themselves to participate their children to enter the pageants. Before anyone decides to get their children involved in these pageants, it is crucial that they consider the possible lasting impacts that participation may lead to.
The contrast differences between children who participate in beauty pageants and those who do not attend, make us concerned. It is regrettable to see the condition of children who participate in child beauty pageants because it is very comparable with children who did not attend the event. Starting from their physical, children who take part in the pageants will tend to be thinner or slimmer because of the demands. While children who do not take part in the pageants tend to be healthy and do not have eating disorders. Another contrast differences, children who take part in the contest can get depressed because they raise a lot of burden and expectations from parents and the pageants, while children who do not take part in the event can freely play with other friends as it is without fear of being scolded by parents. There are still many other contrasting differences, but the one thing that has the similarity in both parties are playing with some makeup, and pretend to be princess or prince, and the wrong point is where parents put their children in a competition that is seen by many people only for personal gain.
In conclusion, here you have an explanation of child beauty pageants, and you might reconsider the decision to include children to the pageants. The event has been proven to have many adverse effects on children and parents themselves. Be a wise parent who can understand the needs of the children, and can protect them adequately.


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